In a recent article released from the Texas Tribune, titled “Hope to Complete My Term” Rosemary Lehmberg addresses the citizens of Travis County for her recent arrest for DWI. Lehmberg, who was arrested April 12 for driving under the influence, later pleading guilty and receiving a 45 day jail sentence, is hoping to be able to complete her term as District Attorney.
I understand people make mistakes, but I also believe that there are consequences to your actions. I believe that Lehmberg should not be allowed to complete her term. Stated in her apology letter, “I also owe an apology to the staff at the Travis County Jail. Their jobs are always difficult, and some of my behavior that night made their jobs even more difficult. “In released squad camera video, Lehmberg is even heard blaming the arresting officer that “he just ruined her career”. While at Central Booking she is seen to kicking the door to get the attention of the officers who eventually have to put her in a restraint chair and spit guard to cover her face. While still in the restraint chair, she is wheeled to have her blood drawn; this shows her blood alcohol level to be nearly three times the legal limit. Many people and associations like the Austin Police Association, and the Austin American Statesmen are calling for Lemberg’s resignation. Due to her DWI and her actions after her arrest I think she should no longer be able to serve out her term, and should resign.